Winner: Austin Carty - of the apostles - austincartymini
Runner-Up: Sally Schumann - Lunarlightly - SallyPanamania
3rd: Yasmin Giles - flyingace067 - GRAMMARSCHOOLYAZ
4th: Rafe Judkins - survivordumble - rafethemormon
5th: James Clement - JCoopz3 - jamesdigsgraves
6th: Jaime Dugan - AshleySurvivor - ChinaJaime4win
7th: Rupert Boneham - SeXi T OwNz U - NiceGuyRupert
8th: Monica Padilla - lordyme123 - MonicaLaChaCha
9th: Elisabeth Filarski - xjustxanotherguy - ElisabethxGodess
10th: Corinne Kaplan - trainsofftracks - classycorrine
11th: Brook Geraghty - idonthaveone924 - brookvanuatu5
12th: Richard Hatch - babyxdeja - RichHatchMyEggs
13th: Lex van den Berghe - overdrive82891 - lextherocker01
14th: Kim Johnson - Italianboi129 - KimJohnsonisold
15th: Darrah Johnson - ahollywoodslayer - darrahpearisland
16th: Adam Gentry - jm10132182 - AdamOnFire1